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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Celebrating Love

"I love you" Breakfast with heart shaped pancakes!
We made these Valentines to pass out at Pre-school. 
Carter LOVED that they had bugs on them and was so excited to share them.
Thank you pinterest for the idea!! So easy and fast!

Heart attacking Grandma Great last night!
(bbq skewers, card stock hearts, packaging tape)  

 lunches got heart attacked too!

 Heart art projects with feathers, buttons and puffy balls.
Valentines for friends 
Valentines Eve Treat! 

Happy Valentines Day!


  1. This is so sweet : ) I cannot wait to have babies of my own and create such special memories like you do.

  2. This is all so sweet! What an awesome mom! LOVE that their lunch were filled with hearts!
