Friday, November 9, 2012

Insta Friday- Life Captured through a cell phone

Last weekend we had the fun opportunity to meet up with some local bloggers and welcome beautiful Maggie from Gussy Sews to California! Andrea, from For the Love of hosted a little get together/date night at her gorgeous home. We mingled, ate super yummy food and had a great time chatting and laughing and getting to know one another in "real life!" It was a really fun night! 

Bryant also had fun chatting with all the husbands of bloggers! Here we are before we left, I wore high hills for the first time in forever! Bry was nervous I was going to fall all over the place (I don't have a good past record when it comes to high hills), but I managed to stay upright! 

I loved chatting with Maggie and getting to know her. She is just as real as she seems on her blog. She is a doll! We can't wait to see if her sweet little one is going to be a girl or a boy in a few more months! 

Such fun gals!! 
Andrea set up a fun photo booth and here are most of us all squished in for a photo! 

Thank you Andrea for a great night out with wonderful company! 

In other instagram news...
Every Wednesday I weigh in as part of the five week biggest looser program that I am in. Usually, I drop the girls off and head over to Belmont Shores where I weigh in. However, since the time change, we have all been up and ready by 6 AM! So this Wednesday I took the girls with me to weigh in before school started, to show them what it is all about. When we got there, we were greeted by the new Ms. Southern California, just crowned last Saturday! She was helping with the weigh in's this week! The kids loved meeting her and loved watching me ring the weight loss bell!! It was a treat having all my littles with me to celebrate 12 pounds gone in four weeks! 

I'm feeling so much better and fitting into my clothes better. 
On Tuesday here was my election day, Red, White and Blue outfit I wore to go vote in!

A few weeks ago we helped to host a disABILITY awareness assembly at the girls school! It was a lot of work, however, all that work paid off because it was a really special day! I blogged about it HERE
above, Katie with two of the stars of PUSH girls (on the sundance Chanel)
Katie was in heaven to have two of her favorite role models at her school
Chelsie and Jennifer. Our dear friends who are making a huge difference in the life of my Katie. I am forever thankful for them! 
The assembly was so much fun and such a hit with the kids! Above, the push girls dancing with the kids! 
Love these ladies! So thankful for them helping me make this idea a reality!

Speaking of loving ladies.. I LOVE these ladies. My little leisure world friends. I have grown up knowing most of these sweet ladies at church. Some of them can not make it on Sunday to church any more, so the sweet ladies of our ward help to bring church to them. Last Friday I had the opportunity to give them a little Relief Society lesson on Peace and Prayer. They were all so sweet and it was a wonderful experience. 

Hubs and I dressed as cowboys going to a costume party! It was a blast! 

Loving the non crowded beach and pier these days

Its boutique season and so my sister, Sandy and I have been keeping busy going to boutiques. Here we are at the Queen Bee in Orange County. I love boutique days because not only are they so fun, but I love spending the day with my sister! She is a hoot! 

Speaking of boutiques, make sure to save the date for the Holiday Boutique on December 1st. More info and a sneak peek here.

It's also the busy season for Little Penelope Lane bow parties! Above, my new cute friend Nora, hosted a great bow party in her back yard! She has the sweetest friends and family! I loved chatting with them all! 
This little guy loves to draw and his scribbles from just a few months ago have turned into real drawings! It's so fun to see him get excited about art! 

LOVE seeing this guy with babies. Bryant with our BFF's daughter Goldie! Such a doll! 

Ohhhh, this weather is so fun! The littles and I took a walk to go pick up some hot soup for dinner last night. It was so cozy! 

And that's a wrap! 
Happy Weekend! 

life rearranged
linking up! 

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