My darling friend April over at Funky Vintage Lovely is hosting a 12 Days of Christmas Give a Way and is currently featuring Penelope Lane for a chance to win a baby headband, hair wrap and two felt flower clips.
I was thrilled when April asked me to be a part of this Give a way. I love her blog, shop and especially her.
Last Spring I met her at the Queen Bee Market and we had an instant connection as we share something very special in common. Sweet little ones with the same special need.
We could talk the same talk.
The same Spina Bifida language.
It has been fun to get to know April a little more over the past few months. She is such an inspiration.
If you have not met April in real life or on her blog, then head on over and start following.
She is such a delight!
awww...what a sweet post. thank you! wish we were closer. I could talk SB all day with you. I don't realize how much I need it until I sit for a minute with another SB momma. I love our little time that we get together. ♥