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Monday, August 8, 2011

The Great Headband Challenge

 So... last week I took Little Miss Mama's headband challenge and it was super fun... but super awkward. I have a hard time in front of the camera these days. But, I made the goal to take the challenge, do my hair and photograph myself wearing my headbands and hair wraps. 
Here is a little re-cap of the week of headband wearing. 
(above: wearing hair wraps at a cute candy shop in Balboa Island after a fun photo shoot and on the way to "Mary Poppins")
Driving the kids to their summer activities wearing a double mini rosette headband (new at LPL)
 on my way to a Girls Night out wearing a triple mini rosette headband (whoa, super awkward poses above)
 GNO at Cafe Rio. Love these girls so much! 

 With my darling and another darling peaking through. love them!
 awesome camera phone quality pictures of the girls at Mary Poppins! Which was super darling by the way!

 After another photo shoot in Shoreline Village (my sister is often my assistant and we often grab lunch after our shoot. above: on our way to the shoot and at a cute little lunch spot on the water).
At the Queen Bee this weekend wearing "at the fair" . Pictured with Tracy (and her cute booth) from Creme De La Gems.
oh my babies! I could just eat them up!
The girls wearing new "Minnie" hair wraps to match their new skirts!

the end. 

Thanks Miss Mama for the fun challenge and for getting me out of my comfort zone (which is behind the camera)!
Linking up at Miss Momma here

p.s. If you scroll down on the post I am #72 if you care to "like" me. 


  1. Great week, lady! Speaking of the new 'minnie'. I only bought one at queen bee. I have 2 girls. It will be PERFECT for their upcoming bday trip to Disneyland ANd for football season (the reason I got it- Red and Black are University of Georgia colors!) I'll need to get another. I'm so thrilled we got to hang at Queen Bee!

  2. You are seriously too cute. Just. I can't. Stop it.

  3. i think you look so lovely in front of the camera!! your pic sure stood out on the link party:) love your hair accessories. and your 'about' page! you have such a beautiful fam!!

