Monday, May 7, 2012

Hello Monday

Hello Birthday Boy.
Hello Saturday Date night to Mahe.
Hello best sushi we have ever had. 

Hello Saturday morning at Time Out for Women at the Long Beach Convention Center. Hello Clickers. See why we are holding clickers at
Hello running into my dear friend since we were 15 years old, April Perry. 
Also, the amazing founder of  Power of Moms
 You might have read her most recent popular article titled "Your Children want YOU!"
Hello to being united by having children with Spina Bifida and that turning into a forever friendship.
Hello handsome little boy all ready for church.
Hello Grandma Great. 
(I snapped this picture before church started. I love that Grandma Great  is in our ward and my kids get to sit on her lap every Sunday. I love that she cuts out word searches and newspaper games all week and saves them for the girls. I love that she has a purse full of treats and helps us with our kids. We love Grandma Great)!! 
Hello nurse Ella.
Ella has a first aid kit that she put together and anytime there is an injury, she is the first one on the scene helping out! 
Hello Katie reading to her new doll Rebecca.
Hello to my little reader and writer. Her bed is always full of books and journals that she writes in. She has a journal for everything! I love that she has developed such a love of reading and writing. 

Hello RED.
Hello to showing up at my parents house for a Birthday BBQ for Bryant and everyone happened to be wearing some shade of red! 
Even baby Penelope had red on! We had to eat her up!

The Sibs!! Steve, Scott, Sarah and Sandy {Smith}
Hello to my parents loving the letter S.

Hello to my favorite boys in the world!  

Linking up with Lisa for Hello Monday!

Hello to a new fresh week!


  1. i want some sushi of the best-i-ever-ate caliber.

  2. You and your husband make an adorable couple!! :)

  3. Bubba and I will be there Thursday... Hopefully. ;-)
